I've decided the only way I'm going to get fit is if I train FAST and regularly - life is busy right now, so training has to be fitted in to a shorter space of time. With work, cake making, dog walking, cycling, swimming and running there just aren't enough hours in the day. So - let's combine things, eh?
Hence the 'dog walking whilst on a mountain bike' thing. It's working quite well, apart from the moments where Happy Running Dog decides to hurtle from the right hand side of the track to the left hand side of the track by going Straight Across In Front Of The Bike which results in us looking like one of those very exciting but slightly 'heart in the mouth' displays at military tattoos where the motorbikes whizz diagonally and criss-cross, only just missing each other. Really we're just like that, only with more screaming. I'll have to admit it's me that does most of the screaming.
On Friday we ran 9k, cycled 9k and swam 1k. Admittedly Happy Running Dog didn't really do the cycling (she pootled around the garden whilst I was on the turbo trainer) or the swimming (she fell asleep) but it made for good fast training in a minimum amount of time. I even tried the 'tabata' on the turbo trainer - 20 seconds flat out, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes. Twice. Yay! I'll go for three repeats next time...
It's pretty muddy out there, and I have holes in my trainers where my toes have poked through the top. This is absolutely fine until I meet a twig. Then the twig gets stuck in the hole and I fall over. Twice.
New trainers from Santa, methinks?
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